You're not alone

1 in 6 children

struggle with a developmental disorder

Take our 5 minute Child Development Assessment to see if our PRIME Programme can help your child

Complete the assessment now…

Barriers to development

We are all born with innate 'Primitive Reflexes', a set of hardcoded instructions that accompany us from the moment of conception. As the brain develops, these involuntary primitive reflexes, such as suckling, gripping and head control, should become fully integrated by the age of 3.

When these reflexes fail to integrate correctly, they can impede natural brain development and contribute to the rise in developmental disorders.

Introducing the EVO PRIME Programme

Our exclusive PRIME (Primitive Reflex Integration and Movement Exercise) Programme is specifically designed to facilitate the integration of Primitive Reflexes.

By faithfully following our programme, these reflexes can be integrated within 3-6 months, leading to noticeable improvements in your child's symptoms. This accomplishment will provide a strong foundation, allowing us to unlock previously unreachable higher executive and cognitive functions.

We treat the brain, body and mind as a whole, finding the root cause rather than treating secondary symptoms. The PRIME methodology has succeeded where traditional approaches have failed.

Complete the assessment

Practitioner Assessment 

Working closely with an EVO PRIME Practitioner, we will conduct a comprehensive face-to-face assessment of your child's retained reflexes. This evaluation will help us gain a deeper understanding of their symptoms, enabling us to prescribe tailored foundation exercises.


Week 1

Programme Commencement

With the guidance of an EVO PRIME Practitioner, you will begin the at-home programme consisting of customised physical exercises aimed at integrating specific retained reflexes.


Weeks 4 - 8

Reflex Integration

During this period, you may observe some regression in your child's symptoms as individual reflexes begin to integrate and new neuro connections are formed.


Weeks 8 - 24

Re-assessment and Reduction in Symptoms

At week 12, we will re-evaluate your child's reflexes. Advanced exercises will be prescribed, and you will notice further improvements (reduction) in symptoms from weeks 12 to 24.

PRIME is transforming lives
Speak to an Evo PRIME Practitioner

Book an appointment to speak with an PRIME Practitioner, discuss your child’s development in a safe and confidential environment.

Complete the assessment

“Our only prescription will be movement, education and nutrition”

- Seb Kane
EVO Co-Founder.